.I'm still getting taller.
So, this morning I gave my mom a hug and I was like "Mom, are you shrinking?!", She said no, but I didn't believe her, so my dad got out the measuring tape, and my mom hasn't shrunk any, but I grew another 1/2'' in the last year. I'm 5'11'' now. I definetly don't need to grow anymore. I have a hard enough time finding pants that fit my freakishly long legs, and tall guys to date... hahahaha. Seriously, what's a girl to do, and I love high heels too!!!! Shoot man!!!!
But... at least I'm not 7'4'' for like tallest woman in the world.... holy crap man, now THAT'S TALL!!!!!! I am not gonna worry about it too much, I think being tall is fun. : )