.I have a vampire obsession.
So, if you ever feel the need to read the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, I just have to warn you will most likely become more than ridiculously obsessed and find the sudden urges to want and desire to become a vampire yourself.... just for the minor chance that you will be written into one of these fictional fantasy books and placed ever so gently into the arms of an absolutely GORGEOUS vampire by the name of Edward Cullen. I just started reading these books not too long ago (there are four total in the series), and I'm so obsessed. I saw Twilight last year in the theatre when it came out and didn't think much of it, but after I started reading the book I realized where all the hype had stemmed from. They are amazing books. Anyways, the new movie (New Moon) is about to be released and I can't wait to see it, now having read the books and become an absolute vampire nut.....lol. Who knew?? I never thought it would get to this extreme, but literally they're THAT good. lol. So, my advice to you, start reading!!!!