busy-ness = crazy-ness....

So....life has been pretty much insanity for me. I can't believe thanksgiving has come and gone, as well as midterms. Now Christmas and finals (DUN DUN DUN....) are just a few short weeks away. But this is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the snow....oh and today it started snowing in town.....boo-yeah for me being superbly stoked at that action..it was very pathetic snow....so I drove up the mountain about 10 miles to take some pics and it was like a crazy blizzard outside....I LOVE IT!!!! Sad to say, I haven't even been snowboarding once this season yet....Meadows is supposedly opening Dec. 15th...but that's a sketchy situation with the roads gone and having the HWY's having to be rebuilt and whatnot. Yeah....still though, I'm ready. I want to go snowboarding and go play in the snow.... make snow angels, and then eat sugar plums and then drink cocoa and then to top it all off,, we can SNUGGLE.....haha....if you're not laughing....go watch ELF then you'll get it. yeah...but life is pretty much busy and crazy, but it's good. This term is almost over and I'm pulling 4 A's and 1 B (I hope)...nothing's written in stone yet....because I still have all my finals to complete....and only 2-3 of them are like 40% of my grade...so no worries there.....HAHAHA!!!! Maybe I should start crying now just to get those tear ducts in working order before I get my report card...no I'm sure it will be fine. Okay...this has been a very lame and non-informative update for those of you who actually DO read my blog. k. hope you've enjoyed yourself thoroughly.
peace and so much love from yours truly,
Sarah McA.


Anonymous said…
that was exceptional! how did our photo shoot turn out?? were you able to use any picts...? give me a ring when you're in the hood! peace


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