I hope you're not all scared of me.....

So, I'm feeling so much better. I'm looking less and less like a chipmunk everyday. Oh...this is gross...so I actually ended up having to go back into the dentist to get my face looked at again, and one of my teeth (you know the wisdom teeth that don't exist anymore) caused an infection in my face, and it was sick, they had to like cut a hole in my face and ooze the puss out.....ISN'T THAT DISCUSTING!!!!! But it's all good.....I just layed in the chair and looked into the dentist's adorable face....he was SO HOT!!!!! Prettiest eyes ever, I swear. WOW!!!! So it wasn't so bad..and now I have more pain medication and antibiotics....bummer I didn't get that cute doctor's number to go with it.....haha. I'm just kidding. Come now, you all know me better than that don't you?!?!?! haha. Other than that, life has been insanely busy with school. I'm feeling a little lonely living in Gresham without a roomie. But it's okay, hopefully I can meet some friends and find a job soon. Um....school, I love. I get to take pictures and study art and be creative almost everyday in class. I don't get a lot of the lighting concepts and the like shutter speeds and all that, but it's coming, the more I actually do it, the faster I get, and I'm taking a color slide class and that's been really cool. Understanding different concepts about color theory and color composition etc....that's been really cool. I can't believe I'm already three weeks into all this school stuff. I have lots of homework everyweek, but it's not unbarrable.

k. I'm peacing out now.


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