Oh man.....seriously I feel so blessed. I have had the most amazing weekend hanging out with SFC Colorado. God has been teaching me so much about my heart and where His vision for SFC Oregon lies and just encouragement and affirmation. He is so so so good. I love it. I have never felt like I am supposed to head up SFC Oregon more than I do right now. I feel so encouraged and blessed and I'm just awestruck and in a really cool transitional place for the Lord. He is what I want more than anything else. He is what I need more than anything else. He is my heart and my life and my spirit and my hope and my love. He is my passion and my vision, and my everything. He is the heart of SFC, and the center core that leads and meets me where I am and where I need to go. I pray and hope, more than anything, that He would lead my life and shine in SFC and that I can bring glory to His name and that He would have His way, and His vision and His purpose in me.