So, basically I woke up this morning around 7ish.... that's late for me if you know me... then open up my curtains to reveal.... (dun, dun, dun..... nothing but PURE BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE!!!!!) ..... So what did I do most of the morning, drink my favorite french press coffee, read, journal and relax in the sunshine on the little awning of my apartment...... It was the best morning I've had in a LONG time. I LOVE THE SUNSHINE!!!!! I think by next year, I'll be livin' in SO-CAL full time. I hate the grey dreary rains in Oregon all winter... it sucks, and I always remember just how much I hate it when the sunshine comes out. And, for anyone wondering, that fabulously UGLY green and yellow chair was $4 bucks at a yard sale, and it's one of the most comfortable chairs I've ever owned. Hahaha. Love it.
peace and so much love,
and sweet handwriting, btw!